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˄ Receiving "The Three Star Order"
Receiving "The Three Star Order"
In 2007 Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, the sixth President of Latvia, presented Raimonds Ozols with the highest award of the Republic of Latvia - "The Three Star Order"
˄ Raimonds with Mstislav Rostropovich
Raimonds Ozols with Mstislav Rostropovich
In 2001 Raimonds Ozols was playing solo for violin together with Mstislav Rostropovich by performing Dvorak cello concert in Jurmala, Latvia
˄ Raimonds with Misha Maisky
Raimonds with Misha Maisky
Raimonds Ozols has performed together with Misha Maisky in a number of concerts in Riga, Latvia and has played common concert tours in Germany and Japan conducted by Tomoni Noshimoto
˄ Raimonds with Laima Vaikule
Raimonds with Laima Vaikule
Raimonds Ozols was invited by Laima Vaikule to perform together in Jurmala, Latvia on 2010
˄ With Svetlana Bezrodnaya
Svetlana Bezrodnaya the artistic director of the Russian State Academic Vivaldi-orchestra
On the end of 2010 Raimonds Ozols succeeded by performing as guest artist in Moscow, Tchaikovsky concert hall while playing together with Vivaldi orchestra and as solo violinist
˄ Raimonds Pauls and Raimonds Ozols
Raimonds Pauls - The most distinguished writer of Latvian popular music and pianist
Raimonds Ozols has been performing together with Raimonds Pauls in various concert halls, taking part in recording of CD, DVD and live concerts. On 2010 spacious concert "3 Raimonds" took place in Riga, Latvia where piano, violin and harmonicas were played by masters
Raimonds Ozols with Mariss Jansons
Raimonds Ozols with Mariss Jansons